The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go.

Pink Shirt Day

February 24, 2021


Bullying is a major problem in our schools, workplaces, homes, and online.  Recognized annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Nova Scotia in 2007 when two students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new grade 10 student was harassed and threatened for wearing the colour pink.

This Pink Shirt Day, we are focusing on working together and treating others with dignity and respect.  We are thinking about our actions and whether they serve to lift people up, or tear people down.  Over the past year, COVID-19 has shown us how important we are to each other, and how our actions may help, or they may hurt, other people.  Today is a good day to consider our role in making sure everyone in our community feels safe and loved.

This February 24th we are wearing pink at @BeConnected in support of #PinkShirtDay.  Join us!

#lifteachotherup #kindnessmatters #pinkshirtday2021